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    Current Points - Classic 40 Man Pool

    Effort Gear Priority Last Raid Last 30 Last 60
    2,090.677,044.780.302020-09-27No RaidsNo Raids

    Item History

    Item Gear Date Raid Name Event
    [Ebony Flame Gloves] 2502020-09-27BWL 27-09Ebonroc
    [Vek'nilash's Circlet] 25002020-09-23AQ40 23-09Trash mob
    [Amulet of Vek'nilash] 23002020-09-23AQ40 23-09Trash mob
    [Eyestalk Waist Cord] 23002020-09-09AQ40 09-09C'Thun
    [Garb of Royal Ascension] 02020-09-09AQ40 09-09The Prophet Skeram
    [21138en]02020-09-06Blackwing LairNefarian
    [Head of the Broodlord Lashlayer] 02020-08-30Blackwing LairBroodlord Lashlayer
    [Qiraji Bindings of Dominance] 17002020-08-26Temple of Ahn'QirajPrincess Huhuran
    [Nemesis Boots] 3502020-08-12Blackwing LairBroodlord Lashlayer
    [Nemesis Gloves] 5002020-08-12Blackwing LairFlamegor
    [Nemesis Belt] 11002020-08-05Blackwing LairVaelastrasz the Corrupt
    [Talisman of Ephemeral Power] 21002020-07-29Molton CoreMagmadar
    [Band of Sulfuras] 2502020-07-29Molton CoreRagnaros
    [Felheart Horns] 2502020-07-29Molton CoreGarr
    [Nemesis Bracers] 2502020-07-29Blackwing LairRazorgore the Untamed
    [Mantle of the Blackwing Cabal] 13502020-07-29Blackwing LairRazorgore the Untamed
    [Pendant of the Fallen Dragon] 3502020-07-22Blackwing LairVaelastrasz the Corrupt
    [Black Ash Robe] 5002020-07-22Blackwing LairFiremaw
    [Felheart Shoulder Pads] 2502020-07-22Molton CoreBaron Geddon
    [Staff of Dominance] 5002020-07-22Molton CoreGolemagg the Incinerator

    Raid History

    Raid Name Raid Date Effort
    BWL 27-092020-09-27360
    AQ40 23-092020-09-23420
    AQ40 09-092020-09-09420
    Blackwing Lair2020-09-06270
    Temple of Ahn'Qiraj2020-09-02420
    Blackwing Lair2020-08-30180
    Temple of AQ2020-08-30240
    Temple of Ahn'Qiraj2020-08-26420
    Temple of Ahn'Qiraj2020-08-23420
    Temple of Ahn'Qiraj2020-08-19420
    Temple of Ahn'Qiraj2020-08-16420
    Molton Core2020-08-12210
    Blackwing Lair2020-08-12210
    The Calling quest and Sunday reintegration2020-08-09420
    Molton Core2020-08-05240
    Blackwing Lair2020-08-05180
    Molton Core2020-07-29180
    Blackwing Lair2020-07-29240
    Blackwing Lair2020-07-22180
    Molton Core2020-07-22180

    View Signup Detail

    Attendance By Event

    Event Name Percentage
    Attendance 0/0 (0%)
    Baron Geddon 0/0 (0%)
    Battleguard Sartura 0/0 (0%)
    Broodlord Lashlayer 0/0 (0%)
    C'Thun 0/0 (0%)
    Chromaggus 0/0 (0%)
    Ebonroc 0/0 (0%)
    Fankriss the Unyielding 0/0 (0%)
    Firemaw 0/0 (0%)
    Flamegor 0/0 (0%)
    Garr 0/0 (0%)
    Gehennas 0/0 (0%)
    Golemagg the Incinerator 0/0 (0%)
    Hourly DKP 0/0 (0%)
    Lucifron 0/0 (0%)
    Magmadar 0/0 (0%)
    Majordomo Executus 0/0 (0%)
    Nefarian 0/0 (0%)
    On Time/In Raid 0/0 (0%)
    Ouro 0/0 (0%)
    Princess Huhuran 0/0 (0%)
    Ragnaros 0/0 (0%)
    Raid Point Top Up 0/0 (0%)
    Raid Point Top Up 0/0 (0%)
    Razorgore the Untamed 0/0 (0%)
    Shazzrah 0/0 (0%)
    Sulfuron Harbinger 0/0 (0%)
    The Prophet Skeram 0/0 (0%)
    Trash mob 0/0 (0%)
    Vaelastrasz the Corrupt 0/0 (0%)
    Viscidus 0/0 (0%)


    Date Amount Reason Effort Gear Priority
    2020-09-28 14:53:19-20Decay-522.67-1,761.190.00
    2020-09-21 15:10:01-20Decay-458.33-938.990.00
    2020-09-18 07:09:36-20Decay-572.92-1,173.740.00
    2020-09-06 16:23:06-20Decay-611.15-892.180.00
    2020-09-01 15:53:08-20Decay-553.94-1,115.220.00
    2020-08-25 15:53:52-20Decay-482.42-969.020.00
    2020-08-19 11:34:17-20Decay-393.02-1,211.280.00
    2020-08-11 14:10:07-20Decay-281.28-1,301.600.00
    2020-08-03 08:02:03-20Decay-141.60-1,352.000.00
    2020-07-23 14:53:47-20Decay-72.00-640.000.00
    2020-07-23 14:22:121600Initial0.001,600.000.00

    EPGP Style: (EP/GP) = Priority (?)
    No FB Yes FB Hand (smaller) Lap 40.063em Desk 64.063em Wall 90.063em