Hellfire Citadel | |
Boss Status Normal | | Hellfire Assault |
| Iron Reaver |
| Kormrok |
| Hellfire High Council |
| Kilrogg Deadeye |
| Gorefiend |
| Shadow-Lord Iskar |
| Socrethar the Eternal |
| Fel Lord Zakuun |
| Xhul'horac |
| Tyrant Velhari |
| Mannoroth |
| Archimonde |
Heroic | | Hellfire Assault |
| Iron Reaver |
| Kormrok |
| Hellfire High Council |
| Kilrogg Deadeye |
| Gorefiend |
| Shadow-Lord Iskar |
| Socrethar the Eternal |
| Fel Lord Zakuun |
| Xhul'horac |
| Tyrant Velhari |
| Mannoroth |
| Archimonde |
Mythic | | Hellfire Assault |
| Iron Reaver |
| Kormrok |
| Hellfire High Council |
| Kilrogg Deadeye |
| Gorefiend |
| Shadow-Lord Iskar |
| Socrethar the Eternal |
| Fel Lord Zakuun |
| Xhul'horac |
| Tyrant Velhari |
| Mannoroth |
| Archimonde |
| Blackrock Foundry | |
Boss Status Normal | | Warchief Blackhand |
| Beastlord Darmac |
| Flamebender Ka'graz |
| Operator Thogar |
| The Blast Furnace |
| Hans'gar and Franzok |
| Gruul |
| Kromog |
| Oregorger |
| The Iron Maidens |
Heroic | | Warchief Blackhand |
| Beastlord Darmac |
| Flamebender Ka'graz |
| Operator Thogar |
| The Blast Furnace |
| Hans'gar and Franzok |
| Gruul |
| Kromog |
| Oregorger |
| The Iron Maidens |
Mythic | | Warchief Blackhand |
| Beastlord Darmac |
| Flamebender Ka'graz |
| Operator Thogar |
| The Blast Furnace |
| Hans'gar and Franzok |
| Gruul |
| Kromog |
| Oregorger |
| The Iron Maidens |
| Highmaul | |
Boss Status Normal | | Kargath Bladefist |
| The Butcher |
| Brackenspore |
| Tectus |
| Twin Ogron |
| Ko'ragh |
| Imperator Mar'gok |
Heroic | | Kargath Bladefist |
| The Butcher |
| Brackenspore |
| Tectus |
| Twin Ogron |
| Ko'ragh |
| Imperator Mar'gok |
Mythic | | Kargath Bladefist |
| The Butcher |
| Brackenspore |
| Tectus |
| Twin Ogron |
| Ko'ragh |
| Imperator Mar'gok |