Event Reporting

Classic 40 Man
Baron Geddon
Battleguard Sartura
Broodlord Lashlayer
Fankriss the Unyielding
Golemagg the Incinerator
Majordomo Executus
No show (without prior notification)
On Time/In Raid
Princess Huhuran
Raid Point Top Up
Raid Point Top Up
Raid Point Top Up
Raid Point Top Up
Raid Top Up
Razorgore the Untamed
Sulfuron Harbinger
The Prophet Skeram
Trash mob
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Event Item Report

Total Items


Item Counts

Name#∑ PriceAvg. Price
[Aged Core Leather Gloves] 1900900.00
[Ancient Petrified Leaf] 2500250.00
[Arcanist Belt] 1250250.00
[Arcanist Robes] 2250125.00
[Azuresong Mageblade] 42000500.00
[Belt of Might] 100.00
[Blastershot Launcher] 2500250.00
[Breastplate of Might] 100.00
[Cauterizing Band] 129002,900.00
[Cenarion Vestments] 2500250.00
[Core Forged Greaves] 200.00
[Core Hound Tooth] 551001,020.00
[Felheart Robes] 100.00
[Fire Runed Grimoire] 100.00
[Fireguard Shoulders] 1500500.00
[Fireproof Cloak] 1250250.00
[Giantstalker's Breastplate] 1500500.00
[Lawbringer Chestguard] 1250250.00
[Nightslayer Chestpiece] 1500500.00
[Robes of Prophecy] 31000333.33
[Sash of Whispered Secrets] 1500500.00
[Staff of Dominance] 31500500.00
[Talisman of Ephemeral Power] 121002,100.00
[The Eye of Divinity] 21000500.00
[Wild Growth Spaulders] 43750937.50
[Wristguards of True Flight] 41500375.00

All Items

Item NamePriceClassWinner
[Aged Core Leather Gloves] 900Warrior WarriorManshield
[Ancient Petrified Leaf] 500Hunter HunterQuzmor
[Ancient Petrified Leaf] 0Hunter HunterSannè
[Arcanist Belt] 250Mage MageDavemage
[Arcanist Robes] 250Mage MageBoulder
[Arcanist Robes] 0Mage MageLjenkins
[Azuresong Mageblade] 500Paladin PaladinVokial
[Azuresong Mageblade] 500Mage MageIcydaugh
[Azuresong Mageblade] 500Mage MageLjenkins
[Azuresong Mageblade] 500Mage MageJynkemanden
[Belt of Might] 0Warrior WarriorOmyn
[Blastershot Launcher] 0Warrior WarriorMillié
[Blastershot Launcher] 500Warrior WarriorManshield
[Breastplate of Might] 0Warrior WarriorManshield
[Cauterizing Band] 2900Druid DruidPotionseller
[Cenarion Vestments] 250Acemoon
[Cenarion Vestments] 250Swiftbeast
[Core Forged Greaves] 0Warrior WarriorKillfrenzy
[Core Forged Greaves] 0Paladin PaladinKally
[Core Hound Tooth] 700Rogue RogueHoltessa
[Core Hound Tooth] 1100Hunter HunterMaybesomeone
[Core Hound Tooth] 1100Rogue RogueÆg
[Core Hound Tooth] 1100Hunter HunterAllisurd
[Core Hound Tooth] 1100Hunter HunterSannè
[Felheart Robes] 0Warlock WarlockDavedots
[Fire Runed Grimoire] 0Mage MageLjenkins
[Fireguard Shoulders] 500Druid DruidChaturgha
[Fireproof Cloak] 250Priest PriestTot
[Giantstalker's Breastplate] 500Darkdojo
[Lawbringer Chestguard] 250Paladin PaladinAmallia
[Nightslayer Chestpiece] 500Rogue RogueÆg
[Robes of Prophecy] 250Priest PriestTot
[Robes of Prophecy] 250Priest PriestSwiftheal
[Robes of Prophecy] 500Priest PriestFyrehawks
[Sash of Whispered Secrets] 500Warlock WarlockAdaranth
[Staff of Dominance] 500Mage MageTommypickles
[Staff of Dominance] 500Warlock WarlockFidlock
[Staff of Dominance] 500Warlock WarlockRosey
[Talisman of Ephemeral Power] 2100Warlock WarlockDarkmoncer
[The Eye of Divinity] 500Priest PriestTot
[The Eye of Divinity] 500Machis
[Wild Growth Spaulders] 0Paladin PaladinMelitelle
[Wild Growth Spaulders] 750Warrior WarriorOmyn
[Wild Growth Spaulders] 1500Paladin PaladinPrehoffer
[Wild Growth Spaulders] 1500Paladin PaladinAmallia
[Wristguards of True Flight] 500Warrior WarriorShen
[Wristguards of True Flight] 250Warrior WarriorManshield
[Wristguards of True Flight] 500Warrior WarriorCharm
[Wristguards of True Flight] 250Warrior WarriorToxicwaste

Items by Class

#∑ PriceAvg. PriceClass
234001,700.00Druid Druid
53800760.00Hunter Hunter
82500312.50Mage Mage
63750625.00Paladin Paladin
51750350.00Priest Priest
32300766.67Rogue Rogue
53600720.00Warlock Warlock
113650331.82Warrior Warrior
No FB Yes FB Hand (smaller) Lap 40.063em Desk 64.063em Wall 90.063em